FEMM Fatales
Sunday, 30 August 2009

Yes, it is me the other 'M' in FEMM. I have not abandoned this blog nor have the E and F in FEMM.

Mund has just been too active! :P

If you've not heard of Nick Pitera then this is a must-watch!
Sure, in the beginning you might snort at his ridiculously 'high' voice but once you're done watching the whole thing, you'll have to agree that his voice is AMAZING.

*Elalat! When can we get ourselves invited to your said 'house-warming' party?!

MayQin :)

1:22 am The FEMM FatalesY

Thursday, 27 August 2009

How to avoid smelly farts? I have never thought of searching this up in the net. However, i decided to google this topic because i accidentally farted when i was studying my Chemistry a few minutes ago...and OH MANnnnnn~ it smelt HORRIBLE!! Seriously!!!! You guys should've smelt it! If i can remember, it smelt like....a dead rat...(yes i have smelt a dead rat b4...saw it on the road while i was walking back from school~ =P)

To avoid getting smelly farts, we shud avoid eating:

  • Beans
  • Cabbage-i LOVE cabbages..=(
  • Cheese
  • Soda
  • Eggs
  • Apples-i ate this just now..=X
  • Apricots
  • Bran
  • Broccoli-looks like my 1995 hairstyle,except that my hair was black~
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Dairy Products
  • Eggplant
  • Nuts
  • Onions
  • Peaches
  • Pears-i ate this just now...@@
  • Popcorn Prunes- huh? wads this?
  • Raisins
  • Soybean
  • Tuna-i ate this just now as well~
But...Tuna is like....my all time favourite~ =/ Im gonna swear im not taking tuna on the day of my date...0_0 Farting in front of my boyfriend...omgosh...Potong Steam much!!


7:35 pm The FEMM FatalesY

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

i m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

gosh i hav been gone 4 months long...glad dat i m back...^^
i hav moved to my new hse safely month ago..unpacked 85% of my stuff...room is pretty but sadly i couldn't remember where i put my usb cable so i couldn't upload pics of my hse here T_T....

so many things i wanna post here...sadly i dunno where to start..
lets start from adidas run..haha.i won myself a medal again..got position of 100th..considered as my triumph of da year kinda really happy..again i cant show any of my pics here...perhaps nex time..

next ll b my exam story...erm nothing much to tell..is just that i hav been ponteng-ing 4 2 weeks straight..(cool ryte)it was just latih tubi so i din bother takin da papers seriously jus stayed at home n did my own self study..it worked 4 only a week n da nex week i went lazy but i still hav my book not far then a meter away from me..^^

had party wit my volleyball team mate las sat(nt school 1)it has been a while since i trained with them so a lot of interesting events i hav missed so during da night wen they were talking bout their tournament success i was like ?? all i could do was jus screaming n cheering blindly...crazy..i miss playing in the game ll come back after spm(i cannot believe myself playing 4 malaysia..scary...dream on...like i ll even gt to play...but dreaming is never wrong ^^)

erm nt enjoying hols forced to study by mum...but luckily dad fix da internet however cannot excess msn so no big diff whether gettin 2 on9 or nt...but stil thx dad!!!wen 4 eye checkup today..happy to hear dat my eyes r doing fine no power nor astigmatism increased...phooh..but i ll nt gt myself new cool pair of spec dis year...but i ll gt contacts lens soon!!cant wait for it!!!

i wonder wen i can hang out wit my beloved friends gain ll b waiting good news from u guys soon!!!chao!!


7:47 pm The FEMM FatalesY

Saturday, 22 August 2009

I was making so much of noise to Ken about eating sushi~ Then he bought me a sushi which i can keep...So, when im hungry, I can stare at this sushi! 8D


10:45 am The FEMM FatalesY

Friday, 21 August 2009


Its BAZAAR month!!!!! =D RAWRrrrrrrrr~~~~ Time to fattened up!!!


5:50 pm The FEMM FatalesY

Saturday, 15 August 2009

PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D

ZOMG!! Im sooo happy and excited~ =D Patrick is like...sooo...ADORABLE!!!! When I hug him....(I couldnt hug him when he's facing me...T__T His belly too big~ LOOL!) ANyways, Ken bought it for me~ =3 Eeeeehehehheheheeehehehee~~


Also~ Today is someone's bday~ =D and her name is SARAH-ANN YONG!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BDAY babyy!!! I LOVE YOu~~~


1:12 pm The FEMM FatalesY

Saturday, 8 August 2009



Loook!!! Prince is happily sleeping in his home~ x3 WAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahaa~~~~


9:19 pm The FEMM FatalesY

Today was a special day...=3 The sky was beautiful~

Look! Theres a trail of clouds! =D We had sushi~~


We bought Prince(Junyi named him)!!!! 8D Isnt he sooooo HANDSOOOme!!!!!!

Peek-a-Boo!! xD WAHAhahahhaha~~~ Nd kept disturbing it...LOL! He couldnt stop playing with Prince...

Prince cleaning himself on my palms~ 8D Damn adorable!!!!

Then Andy played Prototype...It was hilarious!! He kept on whacking up innocent people on the streets..LOL~~ (watch the video)

On the way back, I saw this odd looking thing in the sky....Damn funny~~ It looks like a worm doesnt it? xD


7:48 pm The FEMM FatalesY

This blog is shared by four best friends

FEMM Members
Elaura,MayQin, Weimund,Ferlin~
New Years Resolution

Quotes of the Day
The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.

What does FEMM wants today?
World Domination!

The Talkative Box

FEMM's Circle of Friends
->Liann,FEMM's lover no1
->Erik,the lamer
->Mayqin,the sexy babe
->Leonie,the lala
->KenYoong,the monkey
->Xingsan,the tall freak
->Andrew,the beatboxer
->Adam,the emo fish
->What's new bitch? (smkseafield)
->Sueanne,the beauty no1
->Shermaine,the beauty no2
->Jane,FEMM's lover no.2
->LuTion, Baby lotion
->Pastor Kevin
->Kristie,Lesley's adorable cousin no1
->Michelle,Lesley's adorable cousin no2
->Hanley,the quiet
->Edward,the guy who didnt keep his promise to Lesley
->Miss Jeneft,the person who loves US
->SungLin,the super tall
InteractSeafield,the dead
->SMKSeafield,the school FEMM is gonna burn
->Bernice(Eilim),the cute
->Daphne(Eilim),the beautiful
->Shi Yun
->Chen Ai
->Yen Chyi
FEMM's Previous Posts
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009